» اخبار » Readable conversation with Alireza Heydari
Readable conversation with Alireza Heydari

Readable conversation with Alireza Heydari

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A myth that is loved by millions of Iranians who love wrestling





On March 14, 1976, one of the most technical wrestlers in history was born in Iran Alireza Heydari needed only 20 years from birth to introduce himself as the most technical wrestler in the world. Someone who is now one of the exceptions in the history of Iranian wrestling with 6 world and Olympic medals. On the eve of his 50th birthday, the popular and beloved champion of Iran’s first sport talks about half a century of his life. Of the dreams that he did not achieve and of the regrets that he has left. He said important things about his ups and downs life.  Perhaps the most

important one is related to his short-term head coach in the national team or his early farewell from the national team. Together, we review the conversation of our colleagues in Iran Sports with Alireza Heydari, one of the famous legends of Iranian wrestling

You were born in March and it was a while ago, congratulations

thanks a lot. I was born on March 14

?how old are you now

I don’t remember exactly, but life passes like lightning and wind

? You are almost 50 years old, are you satisfied with this half century that you have passed

I thank God. My health and my family are by my side and the fact that I don’t need anyone is satisfying, but I wanted a series of things that I didn’t get

 ?Did you have a dream that you didn’t get

No, I don’t have any special wishes, but I wanted to be a first class person

Well, you definitely are

I’m not. I wanted to be a more reliable person. To know the capabilities of daily life better. To be much better in media, digital market and network space. I think it’s too bad that I feel like I’m not very computer savvy right now 

I think it is a natural thing. There are many who cannot get one of your medals in wrestling

Yes, I agree, I also think that I spent my time on wrestling anyway, but I always wanted to pack a backpack and go to the mountains and forests and live outside the house for a few months. I wanted to travel the world, but now it is not possible. One of my biggest dreams was to conquer Everest

But the days when you could spend so well, you stayed in the national team camp. This was also a very difficult task

No, by the way, I believe it was not very difficult. I went to Spain a few days ago. I was thinking to myself, how did Christopher Columbus go to the sea and go to America? This is the hard work

But coming to the national team camp from Zorabad Karaj by bus and the problems that were there at that time

We didn’t have a good financial situation and life was really hard, but not as hard as I showed. I got an identity from the complaints I had about the hard life in the past

 But today it may seem simple, but you did not underestimate the difficulty

I was without support. I did not do anything special. I had a talent that I was lucky enough to achieve success

Luck goes to those who work harder

I agree, but I didn’t do a great job. I was not the superman that was shown

Many were on board. They were the same generation as you, but they did not get what they deserved in the wrestling

 In my opinion, along with talent and luck, a little supply is also necessary. They should not have given up early. There were many people in our era who were better wrestlers than me, but they gave up early and did not achieve what they should have. Some people just complain instead of trying. When they see a person riding in a Benz, they say he stole it. Yes, by saying this, he removed the burden from himself that he could have tried and reached this Benz. By saying these words, they made themselves comfortable. They like to show themselves as victims, but what’s the point? What is he? Some people’s compassion for these people is like reaching out to an orphan and this compassion is not good at all

Let’s talk a little about the championship era. You were 20 years old when you went to Krasnoyarsk and became the most technical wrestler in the world

 It was my best time. Since 1994, when I came from youth to adult, no one was my opponent. I did not give a single point to anyone in Iran. I wrestled well in the world, but before that they could have trusted me, but they didn’t. They put a day of practice between me and Amirreza Khadim, but I was so good that this did not happen again. I was not a person to stand until Amirreza Khadim finished and then come. I wanted to reach the national team by any means

?But there was no news of an election

A choice that was not at all possible. A practice was held between me and Amirreza Khadim. For the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, they said that he is a child and is not fit for the Olympics, no selection was held

To be fair, it was hard to leave Amir Reza Khadim with the world gold for an 18-19-year-old wrestler

Yes, it was difficult and maybe if it was me I would have made the same decision, but a competition was my right to show myself 

?What happened when it was your turn

Amir Reza Khadim said after the 1996 Olympics that he won’t wrestle anymore and I made it to the national team

In 1998, you dazzled the eyes, but after that, I think you fluctuated

I was not focused and the lack of concentration made me unable to control the wrestling. I was hyperactive as a child and this affected my work on the mat. I have been reading books for seven or eight years now. At that time, I was not very fond of reading books. I believe that children’s self-esteem should be worked on. In addition to self-confidence, self-esteem is also important. I was a tall child, but if I was born in another neighborhood, I would have scored 20 in everything

Let’s talk about Mansoor Khan Barzegar. During the period when selection was not held and you reached the national team late, the head coach was Mansour Barzegar

Mansoor Khan is the captain of the ship. He worked passionately for wrestling and worked with his heart more than he had a strategy for wrestling 

?Didn’t you protest

 I protested, but I always respected Mansour Barzegar. I never spoke against him. He deserved to get better results in the history of Iranian wrestling. Many learned from him; Whether those who were wrestlers at that time, or those who were by his side as coaches later, or those who worked with Mansour Barzegar as the president of the federation; Everyone learned from him 

You have a daughter and a son; Do you want your son to become a wrestler

I didn’t like it before, but now I believe that he should become a wrestler. Wrestling teaches a person to get up after falling down. Wrestling is a tough sport, but it teaches you how to get back up if you fall down a thousand times

?Did you fall on the wrestling

 not less I remember the first time I went to the club in Mehrshahr, Karaj, my coach put me in front of a kid with colored eyes, who I told myself didn’t know how to wrestle at all, but from the beginning to the end, he knocked me down so much that my eyes couldn’t see anywhere. Once Ali Akbarnejad fanned me so much during the training of the national wrestling team that I cried all the way to Karaj. I kept saying to myself, is it possible for one person to eat so many fans

You started and ended in wrestling with Mansour Barzegar. In 2006, after World Cup, you went to the head coach, who was again Mansoor Khan by your side. 2007 World Cup in Baku, but there was always the question, why didn’t you come to head coach

 I don’t want to talk too much about the events of that year, but the fact is that if we had won one win that year, we would have been second in the world. Murad Mohammadi, who was the world champion the year before, lost badly. Fardin Masoumi had lost to Taymazov by a margin the previous year, but won 2-1 in Baku. The problem was that Mansoor Khan apparently withdrew at that time but did not let go. The team was divided into two parts, my decision was different in many places, but Mansoor Khan’s opinion was applied. One of the people who lost at that time was Murad Mohammadi. I decided that he should not choose or weigh in with two kilograms of Arafaq, but Mansour Khan said that he should choose a legal weight and Murad was injured because of this and did not reach the weight well

 ?Did you return to the wrestling again

If they managed me, I would have wrestled until the London Olympics and won a medal. They sent so many matches that they tired me. If they would have allowed me to be one year like the greats of wrestling Lipold or Kortanidze and not one year but not be involved in an election, I would have stayed until London. Goodbye was too early for me

?As a last question, are you still in charge of the wrestling

I would like to join a sports academy. Something to the extent of brilliant talents to train sports elites for the future of sports

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